- P. Dai, D. Wang, S. Aydin, C. Eksin, W. Yu. A Distributed and Coupled Policy Gradient Algorithm for Networked Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning, (submitted), 2025.
- A. Karthikeyan, L. D. Kashyap, C. Eksin and S. Bukkapatnam. Actor-critic based reinforcement learning for multi-stage process planning and end point control in abrasive finishing operations, (submitted), 2025.
- K. Nakhleh, S. Ekin, C. Eksin. Simulation-Based Optimistic Policy Iteration In Multi-Agent Games With Kullback-Leibler Control Cost, (submitted), 2024.
- S. Aydin and C. Eksin. Almost Sure Convergence of Networked Policy Gradient Play over Time-Varying Networks in Markov Potential Games, (submitted), 2024
- H. Khazaei, C. Eksin, R. Khatami, A. Garcia. Flexible Coupling of Electricity Markets, (submitted), 2022.
- A. Deka, C. Eksin, M. L. Ndeffo-Mbah. Analyzing the use of non-pharmaceutical personal protective measures through self-interest and social optimum for the control of an emerging disease, Mathematical Biosciences, 2024.
- S. Das and C. Eksin. Average submodularity of maximizing anticoordination in network games, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2024.
- T. G. Nakkina, A. Karthikeyan, Y. Zhong, C. Eksin, S. T. S. Bukkapatnam. Learning graph-Fourier spectra of textured surface images for defect localization, Manufacturing Letters, 2024.
- S. Das and C. Eksin. Learning Nash in Constrained Markov Games with an $\alpha$-Potential, IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2024.
- A. Karthikeyan, S. Das, S. Bukkapatnam, and C. Eksin. Statistical and Dynamic Model of Surface Morphology Evolution during Polishing in Additive Manufacturing, IISE Transactions, 2024.
- S. Aydin and C. Eksin, A Best-Response Algorithm with Voluntary Communication and Mobility Protocols for Mobile Autonomous Teams Solving the Target Assignment Problem, IEEE Trans. Control Systems Technology, 2023.
- F. Sezer and C. Eksin, Robust Social Welfare Maximization via Information Design in Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian Games, IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2023.
- F. Sezer, H. Khazaei, C. Eksin. Social Welfare Maximization and Conformism via Information Design in Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian Games, IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 2023.
- F. Sezer and C. Eksin, Information Design Preferences of Agents in Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian Games, IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2022.
- S. Aydin and C. Eksin, Decentralized Inertial Best-Response with Voluntary and Limited Communication in Random Communication Networks, Automatica, 2022.
- L. Hong, A. Garcia, and C. Eksin, Distributed Estimation via Network Regularization, Automatica, 2021.
- A. Garcia, R. Khatami, C. Eksin, F. Sezer, An Incentive Compatible Mechanism for Market Coupling, IEEE Trans. Power Systems, 2021.
- S. Aydin, S. Arefizadeh, C. Eksin, Decentralized Fictitious Play in Near-Potential Games with time-varying communication networks, IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2021.
- C. Eksin, M. Ndeffo-Mbah, and J.S. Weitz, Reacting to outbreaks in neighboring localities, Journal of Theoretical Biology,2021.
- A. Nourmohammad and C. Eksin, Optimal evolutionary control for artificial selection on molecular phenotypes, Physical Review X, 2021.
- J.S. Weitz, S.W. Park, C. Eksin, and J. Dushoff, Awareness-driven behavior changes can shift the shape of epidemics away from peaks and towards plateaus, shoulders, and oscillations, The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 2020.
- C. Eksin, and K. Paarporn, Control of learning in anti-coordination network games, IEEE Trans. Control of Network Systems, 2020.
- C. Eksin, K. Paarporn, and J.S. Weitz, Systematic biases in disease forecasting – the role of behavior change, Epidemics vol. 27, 2019.
- B. Swenson, C. Eksin, S. Kar, and A. Ribeiro, Distributed inertial best-response dynamics, IEEE Trans. Autom. Control., vol. 63, no. 12, December 2018.
- K. Paarporn, C. Eksin, J.S. Weitz, Information sharing for a coordination game in fluctuating environments, Journal of Theoretical Biology, vol. 454, 2018.
- C. Eksin and A. Ribeiro, Distributed fictitious play for multi-agent systems in uncertain environments, IEEE Trans. Autom. Control., vol. 63, no. 4, April 2018.
- C. Eksin, H. Delic and A. Ribeiro, Demand response with communicating rational consumers, IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, vol. 9, no. 1, January 2018.
- K. Paarporn, C. Eksin, J.S. Weitz, J.S. Shamma, Networked SIS epidemics with awareness, IEEE Trans. Comp. Social Systems, vol. 4, no. 3, 2017.
- C. Eksin, J.S. Shamma, J.S. Weitz, Disease dynamics in a stochastic network game: a little empathy goes a long way in averting outbreaks, Scientific Reports, 7:44122, March 2017. (Supplementary Information, Arxiv Version)
- J.S. Weitz, C. Eksin, K. Paarporn, S.P. Brown and W.C. Ratcliff, An oscillating tragedy of the commons in replicator dynamics with game-environment feedback, Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences USA, vol. 113, no. 47, November 2016.
- C. Eksin, H. Delic and A. Ribeiro, Demand response management in smart grids with heterogeneous consumer preferences, IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 3082 – 3094, November 2015.
- P. Molavi, C. Eksin, A. Ribeiro and A. Jadbabaie, Learning to coordinate in social networks, Operations Research, vol. 64, no. 3, June 2015.
- C. Eksin, P. Molavi, A. Ribeiro and A. Jadbabaie, Bayesian quadratic network game filters, IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 62, no. 9, pp. 2250 – 2264, May 2014.
- C. Eksin, P. Molavi, A. Ribeiro and A. Jadbabaie, Learning in networks with incomplete information, IEEE Signal Process Mag., vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 30-42, May 2013.
- C. Eksin and A. Ribeiro, Distributed network optimization with heuristic rational agents, IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 60, no. 10, pp. 5396-5411, October 2012.
Refereed Conference Publications
- S. Aydin and C. Eksin, Policy Gradient Play with Networked Agents in Markov Potential Games, Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference (L4DC), 2023.
- S. Aydin and C. Eksin, Networked Policy Gradient Play in Markov Potential Games, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2023.
- K. Paarporn and C. Eksin, SIS epidemics coupled with evolutionary social distancing dynamics, American Control Conference (ACC), 2023.
- S. Aydin, S. Arefizadeh, C. Eksin, Convergence Bounds of Decentralized Fictitious Play Around a Single Nash Equilibrium in Near-Potential Games, IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control (CDC), 2022
- S. Das and C. Eksin, Approximate Submodularity of Maximizing Anticoordination in Network Games, IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control (CDC), 2022.
- O. Ukogu, C. Lamont, C. Eksin, A. Nourmohammad, Learning and Control for Evolutionary Processes, APS March Meeting Abstracts, 2022.
- H. Khazaei, K. Paarporn, A. Garcia, C. Eksin, Disease Spread Coupled with Evolutionary Social Distancing Dynamics Can Lead to Growing Oscillations, IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control (CDC), 2021.
- S. Aydin, S. Arefizadeh, C. Eksin, Decentralized Fictitious Play Converges Near a Nash Equilibrium in Near-Potential Games, Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2021.
- L Hong, A. Garcia, C. Eksin, Distributed Networked Learning with Correlated Data, IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control (CDC), 2020.
- S. Aydin, C. Eksin, Decentralized Fictitious Play with Voluntary Communication in Random Communication Networks, IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control (CDC), 2020.
- L. Hong, A. Garcia, C. Eksin, Distributed Networked Learning with Correlated Data, IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control (CDC), 2020.
- S. Aydin, C. Eksin, Learning-aware Decentralized Communication and Mobility Control for the Target Assignment Problem, IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 2020
- C. Eksin, Control of stochastic disease network games via influential individuals, IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control (CDC), 2019.
- S. Arefizadeh and C. Eksin, Distributed fictitious play in potential games with time-varying communication networks, Asilomar Signals and Systems Conf., 2019.
- K. Paarporn, C. Eksin, J. S. Weitz, Y. Wardi, Optimal control policies for evolutionary dynamics with environmental feedback, IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control (CDC), 2018.
- K. Paarporn and C. Eksin, Incentive Control in network anti-coordination games with binary types, Asilomar Signals and Systems Conf., 2018.
- C. Eksin, B Swenson, S Kar, A Ribeiro, Learning pure-strategy Nash equilibria in networked multi-agent systems with uncertainty, IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control (CDC), 2016.
- K. Paarporn, C. Eksin, J.S. Weitz, and J.S. Shamma, The effect of awareness on networked sis epidemics, IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control (CDC), 2016.
- C. Eksin, and A. Ribeiro, Distributed fictitious play for multi-agent systems with uncertainty, IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), 2016.
- C. Eksin, and A. Ribeiro, Distributed fictitious play in potential games of incomplete information, IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control (CDC), 2015.
- K. Paarporn, C. Eksin, J.S. Weitz, J.S. Shamma, Epidemic spread over networks with agent awareness and social distancing, 53rd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), 2015.
- C. Eksin, A. Hooshmand, R. Sharma. A decentralized energy management system, European Control Conference (ECC), 2015
- C. Eksin, H. Deliç, and A Ribeiro, Real-time pricing with uncertain and heterogeneous consumer preferences, American Control Conference (ACC), 2015.
- C. Eksin, H. Deliç, and A Ribeiro, Rational consumer behavior models in smart pricing, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2015.
- C. Eksin, H. Deliç, and A Ribeiro, Distributed demand side management of heterogeneous rational consumers in smart grids with renewable sources, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2014.
- P. Molavi, C. Eksin, A. Ribeiro, and A. Jadbabaie, Learning to coordinate in a beauty contest game, IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control (CDC), 2013.
- C. Eksin, P. Molavi, A. Ribeiro, and A. Jadbabaie, Distributed filters for Bayesian network games, European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2013.
- C. Eksin, P. Molavi, A. Ribeiro, and A. Jadbabaie, Learning in linear games over networks, 50th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), 2012.
- C. Eksin and A. Ribeiro, Heuristic rational models in social networks, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2012.
- C. Eksin, P. Molavi, A. Ribeiro, and A. Jadbabaie, Games with side information in economic networks, Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers (Asilomar), 2012.
- C. Eksin and A. Ribeiro, Network optimization with heuristic rational agents, Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers (Asilomar), 2011.
- C. Eksin, B.G. Silverman, D. Pietrocola, and R. Kang, Dimensions of leader-in-context models, International Conf. on Cognitive Modeling, 2010.
- C. Eksin, Towards Descriptive and Prescriptive Double-Loop Learning Agents, International Conf. on Cognitive Modeling, 2010.
- C. Eksin, Policy Analysis using Q-learning, Conference on Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation, 2010
- C. Eksin, Genetic algorithms for multi-objective optimization in dynamic systems, 26th International System Dynamics Conference, 2008.
- C. Eksin and A. O. Konuray, Business Dynamics of a Record Company As Influenced By Online Channels, 26th International System Dynamics Conference, 2008.
- C. Eksin, M. Guzelkaya, E. Yesil, I. Eksin, Fuzzy Logic Approach to Mimic Decision Making Behavior of Humans in Stock Management Game, 26th International System Dynamics Conference, 2008.
Book Chapters
- C. Eksin, B. Swenson, S. Kar, and A. Ribeiro, Game Theoretic Learning, Cooperative Graph Signal Processing, pp. 209-235, Ch. 7, 2018
Unpublished reports
- S. Cardon, S. Dommers, C. Eksin, R. Sitters, A. Stougie, L. Stougie, A PTAS for the multiple depot vehicle routing problem, SPOR Report 3, 2008.